A credible, valid, fair, robust, inclusive,
pedagogically sound and research-based Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) and
identification programme fulfils a number of school goals
All students become active
participants in and managers of their own learning.
GATE gives students the academic, social and emotional
tools to become ‘active’ learners, taking responsibility for their own learning
and developing the skills of successful life-long learners, carrying these
forward into their futures.
2. Teachers will have a
deeper understanding of the ways in which
learning takes
place, and will use informed teaching practice.
The GATE Co-ordinator will continue to
develop their own teaching practice by taking up Professional Development
opportunities. They will commit themselves to the best teaching pedagogy in
relation to gifted children. They will pass on their knowledge and practice to
classroom teachers through Teacher Learning Slots and other staff learning
3. There
will be a culture of high expectation for each student.
will become accepted by all that gifted students do attend our school. These
students will be enriched and extended because we have informed realistic and high
expectations of their ability to achieve and succeed.
5. The culture of the school being a
learning community will be
GATE students will become ‘expert’
learners, adopting many of the cutting-edge teaching and learning practices
which we implement at this school. These students will apply these skills to
their own work but also do the work of their classmates in cooperative and
collaborative situations.
learning and pastoral needs of all students will be acknowledged and met, and
specific cultural and religious beliefs will be acknowledged and res pected.
GATE will be an
opportunity for all students to feel valued, encouraged and supported. Students
will be nurtured holistically, in the entirety of their being, their values
acknowledged, and their learning responsive to their own unique point of view.
The specific learning, cultural
and pastoral needs of Maori students will be acknowledged and met.
Giftedness will
be actively sought among our Maori students and, in part, identified using
Maori conceptions of giftedness such as leadership, community service, and
knowledge of tikanga and te reo Maori.
The specific learning, and cultural
and pastoral needs of Pasifika students will be acknowledged and met.
Giftedness will
be actively sought among our Pasifika students and, in part, identified using
Pasifika conceptions of giftedness such as family, church and community
service, and culturally and
socially-specific skills and knowledge.
culture of innovation will be data-driven and founded on res earch and robust self-review.
Our school’s GATE programme will be frequently
reviewed so that it remains relevant and meaningful to its participants. This
review will be based on a variety of assessment methods, including anecdotal
and statistical methods.
11. Assessment practices
will enhance learning as well as providing opportunities to achieve the bes t possible qualifications.
Robust and valid GATE identification and assessment
practices will be utilised. These will be broad and inclusive, diverse and
multicategorical. They will allow students to be accurately and fairly assessed
and for feedback to be given.
Diversity within our school
community will be recognised and res pected.
Our GATE programme recognises that
giftedness can occur in any part of our school population, regardless of
gender, ethnicity, first language, ability or disability. Giftedness is sought
among all students using valid identification methods, and will be promoted and
encouraged in an inclusive way.
17. Students will be involved in the
decision-making proces ses of the school.
The GATE programme will, to a significant extent, be formulated by its students. GATE will meet
individual student needs, giving them the freedom to make their own decisions
about their learning and how it will take place. Students will be consulted
during all phases of their gifted education programme where appropriate.
19. A safe physical and emotional environment
will be provided.
GATE provides students with a safe physical
and emotional ‘place’, somewhere they can feel valued for who and what they
are. This will be facilitated by their co-ordinater through a Form class.
20. Proces ses to report to students and their parents, and to
the school’s community on the achievement of students as a whole, will be
further developed.
undertaking a programme of gifted education will have their progress reported to
themselves and parents. Junior GATE students will receive an end of year
report. These will outline areas of giftedness or talent, as well as the
activities being undertaken to develop these. GATE will be promoted and
communicated to the wider school community through the school newsletter and
other appropriate forums, such as community hui and Open Night.
21. Students who are at risk and students who
have special learning
needs will have their needs met.
National Administrative Guideline (NAG) 1.iii.c describes
giftedness as a “special learning need”. This “special learning need” is to be
addressed through the creation of a valid and effective programme of gifted
identification and education. These potentially “at risk” students will find academic,
social and emotional support through a holistic, inclusive and supportive GATE
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